Rhino SDK滑鼠訊息

我剛開始使用Rhino SDK及Visual Studio C++開發Rhino外掛,我也想寫出這樣的效果(用滑鼠鍵切換曲面normal方向),請問有沒有範例說明如何抓取滑鼠訊息?謝謝

@dale, Is there a sample code that monitors mouse events in Rhino C++ SDK? tielsc wants to know how to achieve something like the Dir command that allows you to click on a surface to change its normal direction. Thanks.


Rhino’s DIR command does not use any special mouse picking code. Just simply uses our CRhinoGetObject class (C++) to pick the desired objects.

Here is the source to a sample command that displays the normal direction of meshes.


Does this help?


PS:我有附上影片切換normal_x264.mp4 (2.7 MB)

我們的工程師說他沒有以滑鼠左鍵改變曲面 Normal 的例子。

我想,其實 Dir 指令並不是在監視滑鼠事件,它是"要求"在曲面上取一點。

Example 2: CRhinoGetPoint


我們的工程師 Dale 這樣說:
All mouse picking performed by the Dir command is done using a CRhinoGetObject class. Once the object is picked, just reverse the normals using ON_Brep::Flip().

就是我說的那個例子加上 ON_Brep::Flip()
